#i WILL jump in the dlc lore just wait...
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kedicatt-cotl · 2 years ago
more sassy narinder
@thenovaartz​ @i-eat-deodorant​
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Thanks to the reblogs I am now under the impression that this fandom rarely sees sassy Narinder... You good over here, guys? Well, here’s some more I guess... THIS Narinder is here to be sassy and mean, he’s just a little too used to being all cool and powerful to behave normally. He is nice in his heart and he does treat everyone like persons and care for them deeply, but he also really loves to put up a front like that, it’s kind of his thing. Narinder won’t miss a good opportunity to be mean and act like he’s better than everyone else, even if he is, in fact, quite weak now. He started doing it purely out of principle. “I may have joined the cult but I will still show my teeth, surely I am better than the stupid Lamb and the other stupid followers” was probably his thought process. Now it’s just pretend, more of a habit and the kind of role he picked for himself in the cult. He speaks like everyone is below him, but immediately shows that he cares with his actions.
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1. The first thing is more of an early plot bit, here Narinder may be like, half serious about it. The “oh you think you are so cool now with my crown” bit got old really quickly, and Narinder had to learn to pick at stuff that was more specific so he wouldn’t sound like a broken record.
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2. Since it’s all a play, Narinder knows where to draw the line. He wouldn’t mess around when the situation is actually serious, of course, he isn’t stupid. I just wanted to draw Nari being serious about something
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3. Cult of the Baabaa kids illustrated. Just some of their daily routine i guess P.S: Narinder doesn’t do the thing towards his kids, because they are still too young to get it and will probably think he actually is being mean... --- THE FIRST POST TURNED OUT HUGE AND UGLY CAUSE I HAVE NO CUE HOW TUMBLR WORKS I RE-MADE IT AAA SORRY Also sorry for my poor tumblr manners i dunno if I am supposed to just tag people like that...
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arolesbianism · 9 months ago
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New dupe real! Also new pod????? Olivia is that you girlie speak to me
#rat rambles#oxygen not included#screenshots are from the steam page#there is ofc a Lot to unpack here gameplay wise and Im guessing some things will be tweaked design wise but Im lore pilled so.#anyways Im not sure how I feel abt this dupe's design but I will still welcome them with open arms hello#but more important here to me is the pod#because erm. thats a very very different looking pod.#I dont wanna jump to any conclusions or speculate too hard because chances are its just olivia getting new drip#but like. what if its not. what if this is like a new new printing pod#I assume that if it is a new pod then olivia will like be able to connect with it somehow but idk#because it rly depends on how ambitious theyd wanna be with this dlc given that to rly make a new pod thats super not olivia theyd have to#do a lot of work to make that change prevelant in the rest of the gameplay#now chances are if it is a new pod its one that doesn't have a human consciousness inside it#even if it was there rly arent many options for who it could be and no good options from a narrative standpoint#now this pod looks quite gutted so maybe it is just a normal printing pod that got kicked back online when olivia sent some guys to kick it#now heres the most negative thing Ill say abt these screenshots. the fox critters are rly ugly imo#I like the bunny guys tho WAUTWIATSWAUT WAIT#ARE THEY THE SAME SPECIES AS THE ANCIENT SPECIMEN SKELETON?#I dont think they line uo perfectly if I remember correctly but the big one has the same tusks and is also yknow big and fat like the#specimen is described to be in tbe story trait logs#Im willing to bet so much that theyre at least related in some way#maybe the one that was initially sent back in time was used as a basis for these guys or smth#my main reason for saying this is that I have to imagine these guys have to have some other purpose than being data storage#its seems that you can shave their coats which is probably the main thing but I imagine they probably drop a good amount of meat too#also important to note that they are grazers which is good to know#also I think the upside down plant is going to be this planet's muckroot equivalent#oh and for the fox deer I assume theyll be farmed for their antlers which will probably shed wood or smth#not a clue what the new plants will do but idrc#Ill care abt the gameplay after I get my new lore <3
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maxwellatoms · 1 year ago
What kind of video games do you like to play Mr. Atoms?
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So many! Assuming there's time. These days there's generally not, so I've been bingeing Vampire Survivors in half-hour doses.
Above is a gif from Noita, my top game of the pandemic. It's an old-school "Metroidvania", but every pixel is simulated and you're a witch who can manipulate her spells (and thereby the world) in a seemingly infinite number of ways. Here, I've built magical "buzzsaws" around myself, which blinded me to the shadow amoeba. In Noita, almost every death is due to hubris, and I think I love that pendulum swing. If you're lucky and skilled, you can become a walking whirlwind of destruction, but you're always your own worst enemy. Bonus: You can turn your vomit into rats.
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I'm currently on a break in the midst of my Baldur's Gate 3 run, with a party consisting of my BG2 character's daughter, Karlatch, Lazelle, and Shadowheart. Ladies' Night!
I'm also playing a bit of Shadows of Doubt. I'm not sure it'll hold up long-term, but it's got a lot of potential.
I don't really limit myself by genre or platform, but I'd say that I primarily play indie PC games. The games in my Steam library that I keep going back to again and again?
Cities: Skylines: A chill City Building Simulator. Lots of fun mods.
Darkest Dungeon: This thing is a classic strategy game IMO.
Death Road to Canada: A light, fast Project Zomboid. Dogs with guns!
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Dwarf Fortress: For me, it's the ultimate fantasy sim. I love it so much. Looking forward to Adventure Mode finally appearing on Steam.
Project Zomboid: The ultimate lonely 2D zombie apocalypse survival game. Or non-survival game, I suppose.
Total War: Warhammer: For when I'm in a strategy-y mood. Like a lot of people, I'm a bit soured on the modern DLC scene, so I'm still waiting on #3 even though I'm a Chaos stan.
Not on Steam? I do play some Star Citizen from time to time. I backed it a decade ago. I used to joke that it was the game I was going to retire into, but more and more that's looking less and less like a joke. Still, it's made some good progress in the last couple of years and I'm hopeful that repair and engineering turn out to be fun.
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The game I'm looking forward to most would be the next Elder Scrolls. I know it's still a ways off. Ever since my Nereverine landed in Morrowind with the intention of becoming a just and righteous cleric and instead found herself an unwitting villain and colonizer, I fell in love with the Elder Scrolls and it's deep, gray lore. It is (for me) a great way to really get into a character's head. Roleplaying... go figure.
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Since Morrowind (and a backtrack into Daggerfall), I only allow myself one canon playthrough. My rule is to "let it ride", so that aside from death, if I screw up or if something unexpected happens I don't save-scum. All of my characters are related, either by quest or bloodline. I already know that my next character will be Aventus Aretino (the kid you catch summoning the Dark Brotherhood). My Skyrim character (above) had adopted him and then left him in the hands of a vampire, so I should be covered even if there's a big time jump. Now I just have to wait six more years for the game. And then maybe two for mods. God I'm so old.
I need to spend more time with Dave the Diver.
Anything current I'm missing out on?
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st-brainrot · 4 months ago
This is a REALLY hot take but slendytubbies shouldn't have ended at its third installment lmao, if it was really meant to end there, ZW whould'nt have made these goofy ahh sequels (The DLC and What Comes After) that haven't seen the light of day since 2019 and ST worlds (which I'm convinced was just a scam at this point).
But no, this so called "final" game not only was a waste of time gameplay-wise, it ended in a cliffhanger too. Like... If you do that, naturally the fanbase will want more and start making their own takes on the story/lore. If you liked the DLC, sorry to burst your bubble but it would NOT save the game. Prove me if I'm wrong, but all the DLC would do is just give us more questions than awnsers after randomly becoming too ambitious, I won't be surprised if that was one of the reasons why it got canceled (ik why it got really canceled but still). What Comes After probably suffered from this too + it was generally very low quality (even for STs standards).
But I'll have to wait and see when the remake comes out I guess, I won't put any high expectations on it though cause I'm not some entitled kid. I just hope ZW actually puts effort into making the story comprehensible and doesn't become the RE6 of ST and starts jumping onto plotholes. If not, then we have been NightCry levels of scammed, and we all fell for it 😂😂
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melodich4n · 3 months ago
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I have an absurd HC about certain games I feel like with a passion Caesar Clown would love if he ever got to even put his hands on the games either for the concept it centers on like DEATH Or for more in depth reasons from genre to scenery, and sci-fi elements that would intrigue a man like Caesar.
I can see him loving the following games listed and why:
More for its psychological horror in narrative and artistic choice that I see Caesar taking the enjoyment. Along it makes you think, and put together items and figure puzzle-like tasks to get through levels/segments of the story that is very narrative driven that would keep him very deep to play it fully. In more detail knowing being someone who played the game myself plenty of times before. The timeline Franbow takes place is in the 1940s. Which depicts the very depressing reality of mental illness and the lifestyle of how children grew up in them. Along how it goes through this canon of *The Five Realms of Essential Existence*. He'd eat that shit up. Also because of the gore, lots of death. Like seriously the very fucking opening slaps you right off the bat with its jump into the narrative. I see him also enjoying Miss Unfortunate, the same developers of Franbow too for its more dark witty humor and twist in the story he'd find it amusing for a one shot experience. I see him enjoying Franbow more though as mentioned reasoning.
Fallout 1, 2, 3 tactics, bhos, NV,
I'm pushing for NV, but it stays because it has a lot of DLC I definitely would see him enjoying. But anything like 4 and 76, or the mobile Fallout game are out of his interest for being more adventurous and the atmosphere that the older games had, being more dreadful with fallout's usual depicted storyline and emotional given storyline of humanity barely surviving the remains of a once thriving society that plummeted into war is what would not have him into those games unlike the ones mentioned instead. Also because Caesar wouldn't really take mobile games like the Fallout Shelter because it's more tediously *grinding* and waiting and he would be preferably doing something more gruesome with its entertainment. Fallout as a franchise provides a lot of ideas that Caesar himself has done somewhat or most definitely.... Or would open new thoughts and ironically a sense of even inspiration because I do take this idea that he'd enjoy things like the Vault lore and the whole pre-war segment canon. And as much as I don't see him into Politics the politics in fallout are always something that I take interesting because of how it went with it and the end of the world feel and war driven mongering American purist themes it has. He'd definitely perhaps be the kind to max out his character in charisma and be a speech build guy who'd take in ED-E as his companion as one for also the quests that follow with "ED-E my Beloved" With Veronica to continue any BHOS quests (maybe). Despite her annoyance at first for my own use of Veronica. She is a tank, and I see Caesar using companions like a pussy he is too- though funny enough. Caesar would be too annoyed with Cassidy for her whole BS reputation triggered opinion for you as the player. He'd get that fucking BLOODY MESS perk as soon as he ever sees and can achieve it just for the endless nonstop every kill animation one can get to feel the immense pleasurable enjoyment of killing literally everything in sight like it's the forth of July with how literally 99.9% of all kills result in an explosion of guts. Also makes up for comedic kill times too.
Haven't played too much though of 1 and 2 (Yes. I have, but to say I did everything? No. Far from it. It's a play style I'm not used to but I did take my shot to say Caesar though would enjoy the older game click to move and see the grim feelings of what older fallout offers. Also because it's still full of its own story. Something that I am familiar with to say this myself.
The GAME Adaption of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream,
A click and scroll game. Very old style. The voice acting, the game's forward story, being it is an adaptation based from yours truly of Harlan Ellison's book of the same name. The very simple nature but intriguing manner the game took to depict AM like for an experience for gamers. Yeah. It's a peak game. He'd take the character AM interesting, and take each storyline that the 5 humans have with a thought that lingers a good while. It would make him ponder a bit.
BioShock 1&2,
I'm not including infinite. Caesar would not be as interested in the story Infinite has, and be more so put off by it for its Multiverse twist, and the plot holes given with the DLC it brings (Burial at Sea). Yet step aside that and back to 1&2, Caesar would've loved to have been in a place like Rapture. A place where scientists and creative geniuses alike that can get away from the government, and especially away all those who try to "say" what is and isn't fine to work with for the name of scientific discovery. He'd enjoy this place. Especially because it's not just stuck for that but full of musicians and artists. There's a place down there just for Caesar to spend his days outside his work and it's Eve's Garden down at Fort Frolic. That dirty manwhore. If only he could be his personal paradise. Though he'd lovingly keep his DF and not use the Adam *unless* SPECIFICALLY he had one for something like a youth Gene-tonic addition.
Yet to play the game itself forwardly. He'd have a blast and enjoy the story that comes with it. Only daydreaming away why he can't be in a place like prime Rapture when he heard of it 😔...
An honorable mention would be Bloodborne. The atmosphere and themes are there but the gameplay style would make Caesar want to shoot himself in the head in anger. I had set my case after seeing a friend of mine play it and. Yeah. Def not Caesar Clown gameplay mechanic approved.
Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal would also be an honorable mention. He'd love its bloody action pack violence but not be so into the whole lore aspect of the games. He's into the visual death aspect that the game gives you.
Don't escape franchise, I think its atmosphere brings something he'd enjoy.
That's all I got today. Personally. I could make a revamp eventually. I just wanted to post something after having the flu and taking a small break.
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moonwaterart · 11 months ago
I’m only on episode 3 of the fallout tv show, but so far none of the inconsistencies from the games that people have bitched about have made sense to be bitched about.
Spoilers obvi.
Why is Cooper/The Ghoul ‘impossible to kill’? Bro uses V.A.T.S. in combat to get his shots. Plus Lucy at this point in time uses a tranq gun and Maximus is a terrible shot. Cooper’s got 290+ years on them! He’s figured out the game!
The hand jets? Did y’all forget The Brotherhood of Steel ALSO invents shit? They don’t just hoard technology they believe is dangerous? Again. It’s been 290+ years since the bombs dropped. After trial and error, they most likely found a way to mod the T-60s to allow hand jets OR jet packs if wanted. Plus Knight Titus, the asshole he was was definitely the type of asshole to think he’s cool enough for hand jets.
Dogmeat being a girl? Get the fuck over yourselves. She’s a fucking dog. Also do you know why most trained stunt dogs are female? It’s because no one wants to look at dog dick in 4K if they’re hired! Plus something about female dogs being easier to train due to their temperaments.
‘But- but the Enclave was destroyed-‘ they were mostly destroyed! The remnants that survived what happened in Fallout 3 -get this- scattered. Some went to the Mojave which we found out in New Vegas which later found their way to the NCR which we jump to in the tv show, some were found in the Commonwealth thanks to DLC for Fallout 4. They weren’t where they were during the events of Fallout 3. Far from it! But because of Dr Wilzig, we got Dogmeat and she’s the goodest girl.
I get some people are newer to the fandom, but also a LOT complaints are coming from older fans who -not gonna lie- forget that Fallout as a series has some wacky shit going on. You have Mysterious eldritch human-like entities with godly weapons who can greatly damage and kill your enemies in one to two shots or bestow misfortune upon who they shoot or help you if you’re downed.
You’ve got a cult who worships atoms because they believe we’re all just different universes waiting to be renewed by a nuke going off. At the same time there’s a cult that worships the 4 horseman of the apocalypse and believe they called each of the 4 groups to bring each of the signs with them (war, famine, pestilence, death).
You get to meat a plethora of companions on the games from humans to animals, super mutants and ghouls to robots! Hell, in the first game you had a hyper intelligent deathclaw as a companion only because when the Enclave made them the group of deathclaws decided they didn’t want to kill humans and instead wanted to befriend and trade with them within the vault they were shoved into after the Enclave slaughtered basically the entire vault.
In Fallout New Vegas in the Big Mountain DLC you can fucking flirt with your own brain if you choose to do so (they will be appalled by your actions to do so).
Yes, the game is anti-war and about how governments are corrupt and War never changes, but there’s so much goofy ass shit in the games and lore that you need to allow yourself to have a bit of fun and use some game logic when dealing with the tv show or you’re just gonna be fucking bitter about everything you find inconsistent with the games. (Remember, they still have yet to tell us HOW exactly a ghoul is created and keep changing HOW they’re created. It’s never been consistent throughout the games)
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katyspersonal · 8 months ago
Well- I've made really great strides in SoTE! FINALLY! Going to write down the progress in 2-3 posts in order before I forgot, but at the moment I reached the final boss gfhtfjj
1) So, I was checking remaining points of interest, such as finishing killing bosses and minor enemies! Turned out there was a furnace golem I needed to activate to fight, that was blocking Ruins of Unte! You need to throw a Hefty Furnace Pot in its opening!
So, behind it was the secret place with flowers, an incantation, and this item:
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2) In fact, I've gotten REALLY good at killing Furnace Golems x) I finally adapted to the timing of jumping when they attack!! Like... I didn't even need their Cracked Tears, nor they drop much runes, nor I had anything to explore left that they prevented me from. I just made it my mission to kill all of them and I did bfgthfh
However, one on the way to Manus Metyr and one in Charo's Grave ('the red area') are only killed by getting at the high spot and throwing like 3 Hefty Furnace Pots in them! There was in fact an in-game hint to do that in one of the broken ones before entrance to Shadow's Keep, I just forgor 💀 so @val-of-the-north had to explain me XD But yes, this is why there are Spiritsprings near them and their legs don't get damage!
3) So, after all dragons and all Furnace Golems were gone from the DLC map, the only thing left was remaining Tree Spirits and big hyppos!
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^ Interesting lore (dropped by the Tree Spirit in the Elac river that leads to Cerulean Coast eventually!)
4) Again, my other objective was to kill two big hippos that I remembered were on the way to the way towards Abyssal Woods, just didn't engage with at the time! I got stuck though, because I didn't see what it gave me.. so I asked Val and he mentioned Village of Flies should have been somewhere around!
Apparently it was some place I've missed, even despite the fact that I did activate the grace needed for it before! I never got other instructions, however, now that I knew there was some secret place nearby, I started to find one secret nook after other!!!
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^ For example, this was in a secret waterfall nooks! I did explore that area before, just.. not enough, I guess? This is a really cool symbol of why they searched a new way! fAlLiNg LeAvEs TeLl a StOrY
5) However, that was NOT the village I was seeking, knowing nothing but 'it should be here', but I found it in another turn!
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THIS IS A SURPRISE TOOL THAT WILL HELP US LATER because trust me some big lore discussion with Val followed regarding the flies sickness gfhghgj That happened later though!
I just think it is so funny how this area was actually easy to find if you explore well... and I DO explore well. For example, right now I have Scadutree Blessing lvl 18 and I did NOT look up any guide to find these! I just discovered them as I proceeded to explore every corner! Sometimes you can only find something as long as you KNOW it exists XD Psychology is hilarious
5.1) Honestly, Scadutree Fragments + Revered Ashes mechanic is one of the coolest things in DLC! Extra rewards for exploring the open world game are!!
6) Another loose end to pick was to finally challenge Dane, who kicked my ass too much earlier:
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Granted, he kicked my ass again hghhghg Guess his concept of getting stronger by not allowing much interaction, let alone attachment, works just fine :p I won though
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They added cool dual wield and fist combat weapons in this DLC though, I like that! Can't wait to get to NG+ to try all the new stuff in the base game properly!
7) At first, I didn't even know this seal existed:
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I learned about it when I was taking closer looks at Spirit Ashes, and when me and Val were done losing it at Queelign's image I asked him what WAS he holding in his hand. ...turned out that was really easy to find, it was in the room at Shadow's Keep's drowned church with headless Marika statue after water got drained ��� "I explore the world well", huh?
8) Speaking of Shadow's Keep, it had a painting puzzle in it earlier that I never solved gfbgjf It gave one of the dragon hearts:
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Another one apparently was supposed to be a reward for defeating Bayle picked from Florissax, that I've never gotten because I completed her questline properly! (Got her incantation, spirit ash and her calling me 'my good lord' affectionately tho 😳)
So whereas her transformation would empower Dragon Cult incantations (the zappy ones), this one empowered Dragon Communion ones (the head/claw ones received by eating Dragon hearts). Does this item imply that before, even the Drakes' hearts were more stone-like? They really are just a branch of alternative evolution from Ancient Dragons, aren't they? :p
9) And there was another painting puzzle, in that area where we learned Formless Mother lore! In the furthest part on the hill! There was also variant of Leda's armor
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^ this was the reward for that puzzle!
10) For final one, I vaguely recalled that I saw an item in Belurat that I never figured out how to pick up! In search for it, I ended up also finding a letter from Leda and a Cross below that I've missed earlier, but apparently was supposed to check 🤡🤡🤡 And I did get the item, it was a dried bouquet that powers up attacks if the spirit you summoned dies!
11) So.. I really, really could not think of any other loose end to pick up. I did literally everything except for proceeding with the "actual" game. xd (If I forgot anything @val-of-the-north and others you know where to find me gfhhghh)
I killed every optional boss/enemy and I picked every item I could think of, so I had to go to the Rauh Ruins.. That was a bit of headache :^) Though looking back at it, it was fun.. Okay I'll share in the next episode post!
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ecargmura · 8 months ago
Pokemon Horizons Episode 57 Review - History Is Exciting
After two consecutive battle-focused episodes, Pokemon Horizons dives into a world building episode. Trust me when I say that there’s a LOT of world building. Though, it is mainly set up for possible future events. It’s also the first time the kids are eating a meal with the Rising Volt Tacklers at a restaurant and not at the dining table in the airship. Why did I point this out? I just wanted to…
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The world building is mainly speculations on what Rakua could be and there are also details about what Paldea was like in the past. It was a lot of information and I know for a fact that it’ll come into play in future arcs. I do like that they talk about how Paldea used to be an empire back in the day and had an Emperor. Regarding Rakua, they reveal that it was once an ancient land in a place far from Paldea, meaning that it used to be a different region. Like how Sinnoh used to be called Hisui, I wonder if Rakua was what Kalos used to be called back in the day. Regardless, Rakua also has a connection to Terestal, hence why Terapagos wants to go there. According to Clavell and Geeta, there was an accident at Area Zero recently, hence why they closed it off. I wonder if this is related to Sada and if Koraidon and Arven will play a part in this later on since he’s the only one of the main three important characters to have yet to make an appearance in the anime. Speaking of which, Clavell and Geeta also seem to be aware of Terapagos’s existence. I wonder if this hints at their involvement for future events. Also, it seems that the stuff with Lucius happened a hundred years ago, but I do wonder if that’s a translation error because a hundred years seems a little too…short? Like Hisui was Sinnoh like around 200 years ago, so for Rakua and Paldea to have very ancient buildings that are only hundred years old feels a little too weird?
Raifort makes her debut here! She was absolutely wonderful with her passion for history and having a Zoroark like how she does in the games. However, she is a little less sinister in the anime. It makes sense since she’s not forcing the kids to go out and pull out stakes and seek out the Treasures of Ruin or wanting to use a young male for experiment purposes. What’s hilarious is that her voice actress is Takako Honda. If you weren’t aware, Honda voiced Pokemon Hunter J back in the DP era. If you played the DLC, Raifort used to be a thief before becoming a teacher, so it’s rather amusing to learn about this. Her purpose in the episode is to dump additional lore about possible past events and to help the kids appreciate the past and to give them insight just in case stuff relating to the past is brought up. I like how her Zoroark keeps playing pranks.
There were theories that Liko and Roy were going to catch Charcadet and Gimmighoul, but they do not do it in this episode. I feel like anime watchers jump to conclusions too quickly. They didn’t even bond with these two Pokemon in this episode. Maybe it could be a potential candidate in the future, but with the way that each of the kids’ second Pokemon doesn’t have a lot of screen time or battling experience does show that they’re not going to catch a third Pokemon anytime soon.
At the end of the episode, they start the Implementation Test, the second part of the Terestal Course. In this stage, they have to use two Pokemon and switching is allowed. They have to be smart on who to use and who to Terastalize. I hope that the kids can use Terastal on their second Pokemon because I’d like to see what their Tera type is. The matchups are Dot vs Larry, Roy vs Ryme and Liko vs Grusha—why is Liko always the unlucky one in these matchups?? Speaking of which, if two Pokemon is required for this stage, that means Coral has a second Pokemon! Don’t tell me she has another exploding Pokemon…
The kids dancing in the ending credits was so cute! Other than that, I can’t wait for all of these past events to play a part in the present timeline. I honestly love learning about history about a fictional world! The writer and storyteller in me loves these sort of lore building! I can’t wait to see the day all of the answers to Rakua, Lucius, Terapagos and Gibeon will finally be answered! What are your thoughts on this episode?
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Wait I have to ask what happened to dig? I have it wishlisted and heard its got another free dlc in the works as well so I was looking forward to it (reported issues with softlocks/need for more varied items aside)
Don't get me wrong, I've spent over 90 hours playing this game and I still roll around in for a couple runs/trying to complete the DLC. My main problem is with how the game itself is structured.
I do like a challenging game, I like going in a game and being an absolute noob and then learn as time goes on in hopes of getting some rewads, and getting said rewards; whether is some extra content, upgrades, a secret ending or heck just progression in the story (if the game does have it). And Dig gives you that! You can get multiple endings and a heck ton of collectibles (some of them being upgrades, some just lore stuff)
The problem I have with this is, however, with how all of those rewards are not much great thing compared to the effort you must put to gain them. The levels are generated in a way that game selects a bunch of levels segments (of various difficult) and puts together a level, however unless you play on PC and have the last updates on, you have no way to know what segments you're gonna get and you can get very dang unlucky on just level one. By making the level going down, you don't always see where you jump off, there are issues with the spawning and dodging of enemies (they can just gang up on you leaving you little to no possibility to avoid them), the difficulty spike is absurd. In order to get the true ending, you must satisfy very specific requirements that are so hard to pull if the elements they are based on are just RNG. The whole game is based on RNG. Normally you would get a couple few static points for upgrading yourself in a roguelike, Dig doesn't do that. There were times I reached the final boss with basically no upgrade because of how unlucky I got.
Not to mention some of the achievements are based as well on requirements that are RNG-based. For example there is the "Dirty Poor" feat, but in Dig gems are literally everywhere the levels are designed so that you *will* get gems. You must be incredibly lucky to get those 3 gemless segments in the first world to get the feat, making it one of the most difficult feats to achieve not because of difficulty but due to being based on luck. And so many other feats are like that. I could give out more examples but I don't want to spoil much of neither the vanilla game or the DLC, but basically the whole game feels more like playing with a gambling machine rather than a roguelike.
Many players have reported such issues, alongside the bugs and glitches, but the difficulty was never adjusted. The possibility to select your own level segments is exclusive to Steam. No improvement was made regarding the entire game being so luck-based, and instead the DLC just adds more restrictions and further rises the already high difficulty spike to an insane degree that made many casual players drop Dig completely, and I know of less than five people who were able to 100% the game and DLC with cheat options on (extra life, powered up attack, etc. Etc.). Also enabling said cheat options make impossible to get feats.
The game ends up feeling like a chore to go through at times, as the player must rely more on luck than actual skill and adaptability. And so far, no change was made despite the multiple complains of fans; hopefully with the upcoming DLC they will fix such issues, but who to say. The last update ended up adding more issues than solutions, make more players drop, and add even more elements to the RNG blender.
Does the story pay off? Perhaps, but it does not make up for the hours and attempts it takes to actually finish the story. Nor do much the rest of aestethic rewards, nor the upgrades since you may just never get them in your run.
I feel like I was too harsh on Dig, and perhaps I am. I was really waiting for this game and was excited to see the characters and new levels but that wish just quickly wore off when I could not even get past half the game because I could not find, due to bad luck, the upgrades I needed to continue further in a non-hardcore way.
I would suggest playing Dig only to players who are down to spend a ton of time to progress and don't mind the amount of luck required, and just want to try experience the lore bits and visuals on their own rather than from a video. But I wouldn't feel in good faith suggesting this game without underlining the somewhat brutal difficulty and the fact it ends up relying more in luck and the player's patience rather than their skills. If you play it expecting a rogue-like, then it's not- exactly one lol. Think of it more like a arcade game.
That's about what I have to say about Shovel Knight Dig. I still do play it because I don't take too seriously unfair deaths and such, but I wish this game was more accessible to players of all kinds as some friends don't have as much time or energy to spend playing such a luck-based game. I think the game has the potential for being a genuine enjoyable experience for everyone and not just hardcore/completionists/similar kind of players but yeah, we got what we got, and devs both from Nitrome and YCG don't seem to care too much. Which is understandable considering all the projects they are making, but still somewhat sad.
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sapphire-weapon · 2 years ago
Oh... OH... you were so right. Even before the "who knows?" part. I get that they were teasing the DLC, but his fucking separate ways line!? That's hardcore decanonising happening. I hope they stick with it throughout other remakes (or at least call back to it in RE9). I think they might actually take the chance of fleshing her out as her own character. Her own story. While also wiritng up a whole redo of who Leon is and who wants to be. It's exciting to think about, even if my hopes are too high. But those clips right there were blatant showcases of "Hey, this Leon knows better. He's self aware and he is ANGRY."
Me: /focusing on regular meta Me: /deep diving on tangible lore we can see Me: /totally rooted in reality Anon: /sends this ask Me: Me: I can be normal about this. Me: Me: Me:
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She's not giving us an option. RE4make isn't giving us an option!! Capcom is holding the audience at gunpoint and going "Things in this story are about to change, and you don't get a say."
I can't wait for Separate Ways to come out and for RE fandom go jump up their own assholes and cry about how "Capcom pulled an FF7 Remake and lied about RE4make being a remake."
That's why the word "Remake" isn't present on the box art. Not just in the title -- but anywhere on the box art. What it actually says is:
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"Experience the genre-defining classic like never before with updated visuals, gameplay, and more!"
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misa-bun · 2 years ago
It’s been like forever and a day since I’ve actively been on Tumblr…I’ve been lurking but still didn’t have the energy to post or reblog… I LOVE the horror genre, in every pretty much every aspect (despite my blog being heavily anime/manga) I literally could never play horror games at all. I’ve watched gameplays and streamers play for so many years. So a few months ago I decided to just jump in— and played Outlast and the DLC Whistleblower. And holy fuck, I’ve had Outlast brain rot since.
Then the Outlast Trials came out—- I’m EAGERLY waiting for the console release because my laptop is for work, and I’ve watched so much trials gameplay, read the lore, and now I’m loving certain characters which I DID NOT EXPECT! It’s a terrifying, sick, and fucked up game series, but omg I enjoy it.
I have no intention of playing Outlast 2 at this time, but I’ve watched the gameplay at least. Idk—it didn’t hold onto to me like the Outlast Trials and the first Outlast has 🤷‍♀️
(I do not condone the kind of behavior within this game in real life whatsoever—but this is a fictional game series with fictional characters—-so it’s perfectly ok to enjoy it)
Characters Rotting my Brain: (I thought crushing on Batman villains and Ghostface from DBD was bad 🫣)
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Anyway— hello fellow Outlast fans! 👋
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miiilowo · 2 years ago
so uh thoughts?
i assume youre talking about ruin, so. i have a few? gripes? i guess? but a lot of praise as well. i dont hate it thats for sure, its put together far better than the base game, though it does get incredibly repetitive, even just to watch. the parts that are supposed to be scary are effective enough i think, and i really enjoy the darker environments and the general tone a lot more
the AR vanni mask is weirding me out, though it IS cool and a lot of the ar environments are surreal in a way i enjoy. i feel like it definitely has significance to help wanted since thats the same mask we see IN help wanted, and that we'll get more answers once help wanted 2 comes out. i love the purple and the stars and whatnot
im a big fan of all the designs, but security breach has always been good with designs, so no surprises there. the. glitchy rabbit thing could've been done differently but he's not particularly egregious as is. since all he does is summon animatronics he doesn't really need to be super threatening i guess. i really like his design too its freaky i like. genuinely love it
the other side we get to see of roxy was cool, i actually felt kinda sad when that whole interaction w cassie happened. itd be especially fucked if the friends that didnt show up to her party were the dead kids lmao
the most hyped i got during this whole experience was when i saw candy cadet show up ^_^ im serious. i dont know why but i got so fucking excited when he appeared and while im sure his story is significant to the lore i did not get enough sleep to bother even thinking about decoding whatever the hell that means right now
the mimic :( i dont like the mimic :( its better than afton but i dont like the mimic :( at least its not gregbot. and at least the mimic (seemingly) isnt directly related to burntrap or glitchtrap. thats something we're also gonna have to wait and see on. im guessing everybody jumped ship when the pizzaplex collapsed and afton is tucked in somewhere in vanessas house thats my headcanon now
(which also leaves the question of whatever the hell the glitchy bunny is. is it glitchtrap? i donr. know)
i didn't have high standards for it for obvious reasons, and it has exceeded them for obvious reasons. it is just a dlc afterall. a very involved dlc but a dlc nonetheless. however, i have one major complaint and its that theres NO FUCKING VANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE IS SHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH STOP TAKING HER AWAY FROM THE SPOTLIGHT STEEL WOOL I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU
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yusuke-of-valla · 2 years ago
Oh wait we don't even know if it has The Answer oh no
Hopefully it's not DLC
I mean that trailer literally didn’t show anything last like the first few days of the game from the look of it so I wouldn’t jump to conclusions of “definitely/definitely not happening” yet but Answer stuff has a better chance of being in there at least compared to FeMC
It just feels dumb to me you have all this stuff that is canon and shows up later gams (ie Theodore, Aigis’ wildcard status being mentioned in Arena, Erebus, etc) why would you NOT take the chance to put them all in one proper place for new fans?
But just because it makes sense and would make the series’ lore more accessible doesn’t actually mean they’ll do it so idk. I can see it going either way
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corclapis · 2 years ago
Dead by Daylight
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Dead by Daylight is a notorious game known and loved by many around the gaming and horror communities. Many may know it due to the trends with Ghost Face and others may know it primarily from ads or recommendations. This game is overall phenomenal and if you're a fan of horror this might just be the game for you! The game consists of two sides, the killer and the survivors. There's one killer hunting up to four survivors who's jobs are to fix the generators all around the map to escape while also protecting and saving each other from the killers grasp. Currently there are 37 playable survivors including the well known Laurie Strode from the Halloween franchise, Cheryl Mason (Silent Hill), the beloved Leon Scott Kennedy (Resident Evil™) and lastly my personal favorite Dwight Fairfield (he's just there and he's great). As for killers there are 32 to choose from. Some of these killers are The Shape (Michael Myers), The Cannibal (Leatherface), The Nightmare (Freddy Krueger), The Pig (Amanda Young) and again my own favorite The Ghost Face. All characters have dynamic plots and different characteristics.
Throughout the matches players collect blood points that are spent on character upgrade/level ups. The further you get through the bloodweb (where your upgrades are) the stronger your character is capable of being and the more features you unlock. Throughout the bloodweb you also collect items which may help during matches, this includes med kits, offerings and much more. This game is very lore heavy if you're into a story line but you don't really have to follow it, there's information on each character and its all dynamically planned out through seasons of the game. It shows real storylines of the characters from already made movies, games, etc. and storylines of their own characters (Dwight). This game doesn't require you to know the lore but if you're someone into a good storyline definetely read into it!
Dead by Daylight is a fun game and I've had it for a few years. Unfortunately I can't play it consistently without getting bored of it for a while. It's good but repetitive in some aspects and the wait time for the lobbies is deadly. Literally. It takes really long to load into a game with others if you're in a solo queue so I suggest playing with at least a friend. Other than that if you're into horror and surviving games this will be right up your ally. ★★✰✰✰ Co-op Experience ★★★★✰ Scare (I get jump scared by the killers often) ★★★★✰ Lore/Content ★★★✰✰ Overall Gameplay
Base Game: $21.99 CAD Ultimate Edition: $78.27 CAD Resident Evil - Collaboration Bundle: $44.57 Silent Hill Edition: $61.66 All DLC Combined: $240.00 (Including limited DLC)
Final Thoughts
Buy it, don't buy it. This game isn't life changing but its one of the better games out there and overall I'd rate it at least a 7/10. Its not exceptional and as said earlier it gets a tad boring at least for me. If you need something to play it's still definetely a recommendation.
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orangespottedgiraffe · 2 months ago
I will post my review here instead for DA: Veilguard. Spoilers below and long post. It’s all my opinion and I’m not some fancy reviewer just a rando
I give it an 8/10. It was good. Would play again if I had the time. Nice continuation of the inquisitions story. Nice set up for a follow up or dlc or something to see what happens next. Love the companions wish they joked a bit more but very strong unique characters who u care About by the end. The limit of party members does make it feel more smaller and intimidate the banter. The reduction of size of the home base imo is great and the use of a more linear world is great. It didn’t drag on like inquisitions maps and quests.
Voice acting was great I really liked the villains voices they were ominous and very good especially elgar’nan. The world was nice exploring northern Theda’s gave different context to different parts of the story world. I do wish we were to stay in one part of the world similar to one and 2 to be able To genuinely explore say tevinter or nevarra. To explore all parts of the country/ territory like how we explored the free marches and kirkwall. This might just be me but I’m glad the combat was simplified cuz I didn’t utilize it as well and i could’ve in 1-3.
Like how my wife keeps coming up no matter what. The story might as well be following morrigan path to being something idk what
Now for what I didn’t like. The wheel. I wish my choices mattered a bit more. Like some matter but not all in the grand scheme of things. While I liked all the companions I feel like some were not as “helpful” as others in regards to the story. Like if they weren’t In the story it wouldn’t have mattered if they went missing. I’m still on the fence with this but i wish they had kept the region specific accents. The dwarves spoke with an American accent meanwhile those from treviso have a Spanish accent yes orlais and the French
I feel like a lot of them were mixed and maybe im wrong but I feel like it gave context to characters like country of origins and how long they were there for etc etc. I wish the background of the character mattered more. It briefly touched upon here and there And I’m not talking about the race of them but their background. Your a veil jumper what else. I hate the romance dialogue option on the wheel. It’s so awkward and personally don’t think it comes naturally.
I also am on the fence with bringing more the lore into it The chanty wasn’t as strong of a presence and maybe that why the location were chosen. Maybe I didn’t read but I feel like what happened to inquisitors friends more… also what happened to Hawke if I left her in the fade. It’s been on my mind for like 10 years. Where’s my girl lol like was there a book explaining what happened or am I stupid. I guess tying up loose ends from previous entries in a way. I was jumping around all treviso and not a single mention of my boy with the fine leather boots.
Also my son? Like my legitimate son where is he? Where did she leave him on a mountain I don’t think she would do that. Also in the beginning u chose who u picked in inquisition but why if all it did was just be a mention on a paper note. Anyway but yeah that’s one of those Difficult decisions on whether to satisfy a small base of players or try to bring in new players with out them feeling intimidated from the lore. If I’m being honest I did not like the necropolis…. For this entry into the series. It could’ve waited for a stronger Story to be involved in the necropolis.
I know it’s not a romance game and it shouldn’t matter but I wish the romance mattered more. Inquisition did it almost right but maybe it went to overboard with it. But the scenes were cute in a way funny because the other characters were involved
Also I wish there was another word for gods. By the end of it I was tired of my rook saying “we have to stop the gods” evanuris bad guys the fallen ones idk something else
Also rook insane legally cuz for sure in one of those meeting she was talking to him and they all agreed like what. What happened to the circle of mages and that whole schtick.
I hated the swamp I just hate swamps id rather be in the fade or deep roads. Also what happened to those pretty demons. I thought the fade would play a larger role and the demlns would be a variety idk now I’m knit picking anyways
Overall still 8/10 would recommend if you’ve never played a DA game not too much regarding previous story entries that you can’t read in the codex. Memorable companions and banter.
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lorz-ix · 2 months ago
Some 2024 leftovers I forgot about!
Oops. While sorting out all the stuff I went through last year, I realized there were a handful of items I forgot to write about. Here's the catch-up post!
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Five Nights at Freddy's: Into The Pit (2024)
Technically watched my friend play it rather than playing it myself, helping him out in a couple of spots. It's story-heavy and I didn't wanna buy it myself, despite my curiosity I didn't buy too much into the hype. Supporting FNAF bad yadda yadda. It counts for all I care.
In the audio-visual department, this game is at its strongest. Everything's well produced, though the animations are at a bit of an uncanny range, going for a pixel art look with a ton of frames and detail. It's a bit silly to crap all over the game for it, I'm sure most people aren't bothered by it, but some games hit a bit of a sour spot of trying to look retro without the technical limitations of the era they're mimicking. Nothing terrible, it's just odd.
Story is uhh. An adaptation of a short prose story from those books no one seems to read. It's fine, I like that there are many secret tidbits you can find, there's minigames to play and such, alternate endings, but the main quest was shockingly short.
Gameplay was whatever. Having mostly a single threat chasing you for a large part of the game wasn't always the best, having to stop everything you're doing to hide and wait to avoid that threat seemed more frustrating than anything. Once again falling for that horror trap where the challenge distracts too much from the horror elements so you stop feeling scared.
An okay game, as usual the fanbase is overrating it, haven't heard anyone else criticize the gameplay for the stuff I felt could have been executed better, they all just drool over the references and the lore. Who cares, FNAF bad.
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Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons (2023)
I did fall for the hype a bit with this one. It looked very good and we've been getting some strong retro throwback beat em ups in recent years. I was down for some good Double Dragon action with this cool artstyle, but I was a bit disappointed.
While the combo system has sauce, what kills it for me is how limited everything feels. You have jump/run/special cancels for your stuff, wall bouncing and everything, but you can only use your special moves when your special bar is completely full, and you're strictly incentivized to kill enemies with specials so they drop more cash, so you spend a lot of the time trying to line enemies up and do safer combos rather than just having fun. Stages feel too long, you don't get upgrades frequently enough to feel like your effort is making you super powerful by the endgame, like they should for a roguelite, and upgrades need to be purchased with cash, so you might be unable to afford the one you want, and you're lowkey also incentivized to spend less cash, so you can imagine it's even less fun to skip out on upgrades for that. Overall, it really feels like a chore at times.
Story is serviceable, I truly do appreciate that it serves as a perfect excuse to give the player a choice between cashing out early or risking the payout and playing more, even if the narrative itself is as predictable as it comes. The game's strongest feature are its plethora of unlockables and playable characters, but I don't wanna play as long as I'd have to so I can unlock all that shit, because it does get boring fast.
A shame, but don't let me stop you from trying it if you want.
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Vampire Survivors: Operation Guns (2024)
Easily one of the better DLC packs for the game to date (Castlevania doesn't count yet), providing a substantial amount of new characters, a pretty good map, and the best adventure mode in the game in my opinion.
Having played a ton of the older Contra games this year as well, I could really appreciate a lot of the choices for characters, enemies and stages, the expansion does do the source material justice. I'm impressed by how they managed to make an entire expansion themed around a weapon type that could have been very limited, but the team have proved that they're able to make all of these new items and abilities feel unique and fun to play.
Quite honestly, I haven't finished Ode to Castlevania yet, but I've played a lot of it. No shade to that last DLC, but I think Operation Guns might have been the most fun I've had with the game.
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Transformers Earthspark: Expedition (2023)
A bland and forgettable, but serviceable licensed game. It's structured like a collectathon, so I found it to be more entertaining than other TV show or movie tie-in games that go for a more traditional level format. The combat wasn't terrible, offering a bunch of upgrades for combo variety, I've played worse, but that's as far as my praise can go.
Playing this on Nintendo Switch was pure torture though. Combat encounters often feature more than 3 enemies on screen at once, which will swiftly turn the game into a slideshow. It's basically unacceptable in terms of performance, not to mention that the eShop page features generic screenshots from what I assume is the PS4 version or something like that, nothing close to what the game actually looks like on the system.
What can I say, it's a licensed game, expecting anything better than mid is coping. It's not shovelware, I can see an attempt was made in many aspects, but it's held back by its minimal budget and need to be easily marketable slop in as many platforms as possible.
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Cap Revolution Bottleman: the Switch game??? (2020)
Let me get you up to speed. Bottleman is a japanese toyline by Takara Tomy, featuring little bottle-shaped plastic robots that shoot bottle caps. They're meant to promote imaginative play as well as recycling, since there isn't a defined ruleset to play with them. You're meant to grab empty plastic bottles, use their caps as ammo, the bottles themselves as targets, and your imagination for everything else. Try bowling, doing trickshots, seeing who can knock down a number of bottles before the other player, stuff like that.
I think the toys are awesome. I got a bunch of them, their designs are charming, most of them parody popular drinks and can be kinda funny. There's also a customization aspect to them, and they each have unique gimmicks, the usual japanese hobby toyline affair.
Early in the toyline's lifespan, they released a full stadium, with standardized measurements and targets, the closest thing to a "competitive standard" this hobby game ever had. I needed to get it, of course. One of its biggest selling points was the inclusion of a Nintendo Switch game, along with a stand for the console, so you can play the game using your real toys to shoot at the targets (or the included one with the stadium, if you're boring). The idea was very solid!
Of course, the stadium set isn't small, and importing something like that from Japan was not cheap. Most of the money was spent on shipping and import fees. But to my surprise, that 4 year old, japanese-only Nintendo Switch download code still worked, so I had to try the game. I carefully put everything together, the stand was higher quality than anything else in the set, and it protected the console well during play.
The thing is, the game was utter shit. The main mode is like a 3-stage arcade affair, and it has some side modes too, but as an addon for a toy, I'm not complaining about content, really. I'm complaining because it doesn't work. The game's supposed to recognize your hits based on how the stand holding the console swings when you smack it, but most of my shots went completely ignored, no matter what I did. Had it functioned properly, I could have said it was a neat little thing, the enemy variety and bosses show they were trying to make an actual game here, but they completely fumbled the gimmick.
It doesn't matter if I used the included cap shooter, it doesn't matter if I used my extremely blinged-out cap railgun with a 10-shot magazine. These toys are simply not precise enough to hit the Switch's stand with enough force and accuracy. Playing with empty bottles is chill because you land any hit on them and they'll fall over, playing with a heavy plastic tray containing a heavy gaming device, not so much. It needs to receive solid smacks in the right spots.
It's safe to say this very small, very specific Switch game was probably my biggest disappointment of the year. I certainly don't recall being actually pissed at any other games. I can't say I regret my purchase because I originally didn't expect the download code to even work, but hey. I liked these robots and I was sad.
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